The best wallpapers and backgrounds application for android.
We have more than 10,000 Wallpapers now.
New Backgrounds added daily.
"3D wallpapers", "Animal", "Army","Aircraft", "Background", "Drinks", "Babies","Gifts", "Calendars", "Trucks","Castles Wallpapers", "Computers", "Children","Digital Art", "Roads", "Emo","Fantasy", "Funny wallpapers", "Interiors Case","Food Wallpapers", "Machine wallpapers", "Messenger","Music", "Nature", "Neon","Paintings", "Bridges", "Retro", "Robots","Holidays wallpapers", "Outer space", "Sport","Trains","Ships", "World"
Find and get Great HD wallpaper and background by these categories.All wallpapers and backgrounds are free.
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Auto fit most of devices screen size.
We try our best to provide faster,HD,high quality wallpaper servers.We will keep work hard on make better Backgrounds app and learn from other app developers such as zedge ,flikie,picspeed hd wallpapers app.
keywords:Free, Backgrounds, Images,Photos,Pictures,Live Wallpapers.